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Random snippets of all sorts of code, mixed with a selection of help and advice.

In browser, in SMS section, incoming message senders are unlabeled

11 February 2025 @ 4:37 pm

In the SMS section of my Web browser, incoming texts are not labeled according to their sender. That is, all I see is the generic white silhouette of a person with a grey circular background. No name or image. I can live with that in a 1-on-1 SMS conversation. But in a group text with 17 people, that is not okay. I need to know who sent which message, and I cannot see that in the PB SMS interface: All messages just appear with the same generic icon and no name (text) added: SMS Section with message owners undifferentiated.

how can I add a <div class="hi"> that contains the filters inside of shop page in woocommerce?

11 February 2025 @ 4:37 pm

In woocommerce I'm not able to add a custom div that contains the filters in shop page. I saw the visual hook guide however I'm not seeing a way to do so. Any suggestion? visual hook guide I tried going here: wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-template-functions.php there is the function woocommerce_content() with the following code and adding a before the h2 for the filters

This error keeps popping up in my code {TypeError: 'DataFrame' object is not callable}, How to solve this?

11 February 2025 @ 4:37 pm

data_features = df.iloc[:, 2:10] labels = df['specific_class'].astype('category') dataset = CustomDataset(data_features, labels) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True) No maater how much I try this thing keeps poping. What to do?

React - How to overwrite a current character inside input box (OTP inputs) when it is already full?

11 February 2025 @ 4:37 pm

I am trying to create an input box for a timer/OTP styled input. How to overwrite a current character inside input box w length 1 (OTP inputs) when it is already full? My problem is that the input is length 1, and we move the cursor/focus to the next only after catching a single character... but once a char is filled, you have to manually backspace and delete the char and then you can refill... currently inside input box(0) but since it is already filled, I can't overwrite it import { useRef, useState } from 'react' function App() { const [time, setTime] = useState(null); const [running, setRunning] = useState(false); const [editState, setEditState] = useState(false); const [hms, setHms] = useState(Array(6).fill(0)); const inputs = useRef([]); const handleChange = (e, idx) => { const {value} =; if (value.match(/^\d$/)) {

Script for Infinite Craft

11 February 2025 @ 4:36 pm

yo gng, this isn't really a question but i just want a script for infinite craft bc im lazy af and if you can please script it for me, the violentmonkey script has to fastly choose two random items you have and combine them and i want it to be fast so i get new items succesfully. It can even be in python but idk what app it has to be for python to run on things in your pc i tried asking deepseek, i asked for the violentmonkey extension because of its updated knowledge and it didnt get it right, i expected it to work but i dont know about all of the web developing stuff to automatically do things

Is there a way to have a gatling check pass if values do not differ by more than 1.00?

11 February 2025 @ 4:36 pm

I need to modify the code below so the check() will pass, even if values are not exact as long as abs(val1 -val2) < 1.00 .check( jsonPath("$.data.attributes.contentValue").is(session -> session.getString("contentValue") ) ) I've tried using the session variable in multiple ways but it seems unavailable inside the validate() method. Also even the replaceAll() method is unavailable there. The code below fails to compile with 'Cannot resolve method 'replaceAll(String, String)' ' and 'Cannot resolve method 'get(String)' ' .check( jsonPath("$.data.attributes.contentValue") .transform(String::valueOf) .validate((actualValue, session) -> { double actualDouble = Double.parseDouble(actualValue.replaceAll("$", "").replace(",", "")); double expectedDouble = (double) session.get("expectedDoubleValue"); return Math.abs(expectedDouble - actualDouble) <= 1.00; }) )

Flip the text in facet rows in gglikert in R

11 February 2025 @ 4:35 pm

I have the same simulated data as described here with the difference of the group 2 has elements of big text. I want to flip horizontally the text in facet rows to but without disappearing the facet col strip at the top. How can I do it in R? library(ggstats) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) likert_levels <- c( "Strongly disagree", "Disagree", "Neither agree nor disagree", "Agree", "Strongly agree" ) df <- tibble( grouping = sample(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), 150, replace = TRUE), q1 = sample(likert_levels, 150, replace = TRUE), q2 = sample(likert_levels, 150, replace = TRUE, prob = 5:1), q3 = sample(likert_levels, 150, replace = TRUE, prob = 1:5), q4 = sample(likert_levels, 150, replace = TRUE, prob = 1:5), q5 = sample(c(likert_levels, N

creating Zip file on the Download folder of User profile fails

11 February 2025 @ 4:28 pm

I am trying to make a zip file and download on the Download Folder of the User profile public void CreateZipFile(string tempFolderPath, string zipFilePath, string zipFileName) { using (Package zip = Package.Open(zipFilePath, FileMode.Create)) { foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(tempFolderPath)) { if (Path.GetExtension(file).ToUpper() != ".ZIP") { string zipPartUri = $"/{Uri.UnescapeDataString(Path.GetFileName(file))}"; Uri partUri = PackUriHelper.CreatePartUri(new Uri(zipPartUri, UriKind.Relative)); PackagePart part = zip.CreatePart(partUri, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, CompressionOption.Normal); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (Stream zipPartStream = part.GetStream()) { fileStream.CopyTo(zi

I cannot display a popup from a view model

11 February 2025 @ 4:18 pm

I want to display a community toolkit popup from a view model. The type of popup I want is a message box where I can pass a string variable that is the message I want displayed. I followed this Learn Popup Article from Microsoft, and I was able to build my popup and data bind the popup to a view model without any trouble. My problem comes when I try to display the popup from a different view model. Here is what I have so far: Popup XAML <ctm:Popup xmlns="" xmlns:ctm="" xmlns:vwmod="clr-namespace:LockAndKeyMaui.ViewModels" xmlns:x="" x:Class="LockAndKeyMaui.MsgBox" x:DataType="vwmod:MsgViewM

Vue 3 Router not displaying the path in the browser

11 February 2025 @ 4:14 pm

I am migrating from Vue2 to Vue3. The router seems to work properly in the sense that I am being redirected to the correct components, but the url in the browser window does not update i.e. I am in component with path /home but the browser shows /, I am in the component with path /table and my browser still shows /. My router file has: const router = new createRouter({ history: createMemoryHistory(), routes: [ { path: '/home', name: 'home-page', component: HomePage, beforeEnter: jwtMicroservices.validateJwtToken }, { path: '/sensitivePart', name: 'sensitive-part-page', component: SensitivePart, beforeEnter: jwtMicroservices.validateJwtToken }, { path: '/rmer', name: 'rmer-page', component: RMER, beforeEnter: jwtMicroservices.validateJwtToken }, { path: '/rmerClosedOrder', name: 'rmer-closed-order-page', component: RmerClosedOrder, beforeEnter: jwtMicroservices.validateJwtToken }, { path: '/mers', name: 'mers-page', component: MERS, beforeEnter: jwtMicroserv

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A playground for web developers, use it as an online editor for snippets built from HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The code can then be shared with others, embedded on a blog, etc.

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Digital media magazine for designers and developers
Web design plus tips and tricks.

How I Created A Popular WordPress Theme And Coined The Term “Hero Section” (Without Realizing It)

10 February 2025 @ 1:00 pm

In 2013, Marcel Moerkens was working on Brooklyn, his WordPress theme, and he needed a way to make it stand out from the pack of other WordPress themes. Little did he know that the intro section he called a “Hero” would become one of the most recognizable patterns in web design today. Here’s how the idea came to life and how it changed everything.

Taking RWD To The Extreme

7 February 2025 @ 1:00 pm

Tomasz Jakut reflects on the evolution of web design, from the days of table-based layouts and Flash games to the rise of responsive web design (RWD), which often feels like the end of history in web layout. But as 2025 marks the 15th anniversary of Ethan Marcotte’s article, it’s worth asking whether something significant happened after RWD — something so seamless that it went almost unnoticed.

Integrations: From Simple Data Transfer To Modern Composable Architectures

4 February 2025 @ 8:00 am

In today’s web development landscape, the concept of a monolithic application has become increasingly rare. Modern applications are composed of multiple specialized services, each of which handles specific aspects of functionality. This shift didn’t happen overnight - it’s the result of decades of evolution in how we think about and implement data transfer between systems. Let’s explore this journey and see how it shapes modern architectures, particularly in the context of headless CMS solutions.

Look Closer, Inspiration Lies Everywhere (February 2025 Wallpapers Edition)

31 January 2025 @ 9:30 am

Let’s make the most of the shortest of all months, with a new collection of desktop wallpapers celebrating new opportunities, sweet memories, happy little moments, and everything in between. All of them created with love by the community for the community. Enjoy!

The Digital Playbook: A Crucial Counterpart To Your Design System

30 January 2025 @ 8:00 am

Design systems play a crucial role in today’s digital landscape, providing a blueprint for consistent and user-friendly interfaces. But there’s another tool that deserves equal attention: the digital playbook.

Transitioning Top-Layer Entries And The Display Property In CSS

29 January 2025 @ 10:00 am

It’s not always the big features that make our everyday lives easier; sometimes, it’s those ease-of-life features that truly enhance our projects. In this article, Brecht De Ruyte highlights two such features: `@starting-style` and `transition-behavior` — two properties that are absolutely welcome additions to your everyday work with CSS animations.

Svelte 5 And The Future Of Frameworks: A Chat With Rich Harris

28 January 2025 @ 3:00 pm

After months of anticipation, debate, and even a bit of apprehension, Svelte 5 arrived earlier this year. Frederick O’Brien caught up with its creator, Rich Harris, to talk about the path that brought him and his team here and what lies ahead.

Navigating The Challenges Of Modern Open-Source Authoring: Lessons Learned

21 January 2025 @ 8:00 am

Alvaro Saburido delves into the current state and challenges of Open-Source authoring, sharing lessons learned from both community- and company-driven initiatives.

An Ode To Side Project Time

17 January 2025 @ 8:00 am

A once-revered perk of some tech workplaces, the status of ‘side project time’ seems to have slipped in recent years. Frederick O’Brien believes it deserves a comeback.

On-Device AI: Building Smarter, Faster, And Private Applications

16 January 2025 @ 1:00 pm

Shouldn’t there be a way to keep your apps or project data private and improve performance by reducing server latency? This is what on-device AI is designed to solve. It handles AI processing locally, right on your device, without connecting to the internet and sending data to the cloud. In this article, Joas Pambou explains what on-device AI is, why it’s important, the tools to build this type of technology, and how it can change the way we use technology every day.

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Create, edit & deploy fullstack apps — in just one click. From Angular to React or even just HTML, JS and CSS.

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An on-line real-time database for your apps.

#FirebaserFriday: Frank van Puffelen

18 March 2022 @ 3:58 pm

Paulette McCroskey Social Media Manager, Advanced Systems Group, LLC

How Firebase Performance Monitoring optimized app startup time

9 March 2022 @ 4:58 pm

Viswanathan Munisamy Software Engineer

Using Machine Learning to optimize mobile game experiences

15 February 2022 @ 4:58 pm

Sachin Kotwani Senior Product Manager Elvis Sun Software Engineer Mobile app and game developers can use on-device machine learning in their apps to increase user engagement and grow revenue. We worked with game developer HalfBrick to train and implement a custom model that personalized the user's in-game experience based on the player's skill level and session details, resulting in increased interactions with

Accept Payments with Cloud Firestore and Google Pay

11 February 2022 @ 8:00 pm

Stephen McDonald Developer Relations Engineer, Google Pay Back in 2019 we launched Firebase Extensions - pre-packaged solutions that save you time by providing extended functionality to your Firebase apps, without the need to research, write, or debug code on your own. Since then, a ton of extensions have been added to the platform covering a wide range of features, from email triggers and text messaging, to image resizing, translation, and much more. Google Pay Firebase Extension We're now

Everything you need to know about Remote Config’s latest personalization feature

26 January 2022 @ 6:22 pm

Jon Mensing Product Manager An important part of turning your app into a business is to optimize your user experience to drive the bottom line results you want. A popular way to do this is through manual experimentation, which involves setting up A/B tests for different components of your app and finding the top performing variant. Now, you can save time and effort - and still maximize the objectives you want - with Remote Config’s latest personalization feature. Personalization harnesses the power of machine learning to automatically find the optimal e

What’s new at Firebase Summit 2021

10 November 2021 @ 5:31 pm

Kristen Richards Group Product Manager

Automate your pre-release testing with the App Distribution REST API

8 November 2021 @ 5:59 pm

Liat Berry Product Manager

Improving the Google Analytics dashboard in Firebase

5 November 2021 @ 6:03 pm

Sumit Chandel Developer Advocate If you’ve visited the Firebase console’s Analytics section recently, you might have noticed something new… an updated Analytics dashboard, a new Realtime view and a few other UI enhancements.

How to get better insight into push notification delivery

27 October 2021 @ 3:45 pm

Charlotte Liang Charlotte Liang Software Engineer

Pinpointing API performance issues with Custom URL Patterns

20 October 2021 @ 3:45 pm

Ibrahim Ulukaya Ibrahim Ulukaya Developer Advocate

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The alternative to Github, private and open git repositories.