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Random snippets of all sorts of code, mixed with a selection of help and advice.

Conformance to generic constraint seems impossible with subclass

27 July 2024 @ 9:20 am

I've cut my code down to the following simplest version to show the problem. I'm not sure why Swift is complaining. Why does DatabaseGateway need to conform to protocol Something ??? struct Database {} open class DatabaseGateway { let database: Database public init() { database = Database() } } struct FilterParameter<T> {} protocol Something { associatedtype T: RawRepresentable where T.RawValue == String var filterParameter: FilterParameter<T> { get } } enum VoteTable {} extension VoteTable { enum Field: String { case value = "value" } } final class User: DatabaseGateway, Something { let filterParameter = FilterParameter<VoteTable.Field>() } final class Poll: DatabaseGateway, Something { let filterParameter = FilterParameter<VoteTable.Field>() } struct VoteRecordFilter { let parameters: [Parameter] init(paramet

Could not resolve org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.9.24. React Native Async Storage

27 July 2024 @ 9:18 am

Error when building release or debug FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':@react-native-async-storage'. > Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':@react-native-async-storage:classpath'. > Could not resolve org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.9.24. Required by: project :@react-native-async-storage > Cannot choose between the following variants of org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.9.24: - gradle70JavadocElements - gradle70RuntimeElements - gradle70SourcesElements - gradle71JavadocElements - gradle71RuntimeElements - gradle71SourcesElements - gradle74JavadocElements - gradle74RuntimeElements I tried updating the version async storage, but didn´t work

Advice tools to generate digital signature and esignature

27 July 2024 @ 9:16 am

I need to implement a system in Spring Boot and logical document to manage document which provide the feature to add either digital signature or Esignature to word document/PDF file while it is being uploaded on the system. I have seen there are many tools that I can use to integrate as REST API to generate either e-signature or digital signature as follows: Docusign - Robust , widely used and expensive compared to PandaDoc and DocuSeal.It supports both e-signature and digital signature Docuseal - Robust support e-signature but it does not look like it support digital signature. PandaDoc - Robust and ideal for businesses needing comprehensive document management but support only e-signature not digital signature. Based on the above it looks like only docuSign support both digital signature and esignature. I am new to the above tools and I might have missed something important or any other tool. Any advice on which one is ea

trpc giving error when trying to test with postman

27 July 2024 @ 9:16 am

Im using nextjs app router, trpc, prisma, zod Trying to test my trpc endpoint http://localhost:3000/api/trpc/user.login using Body- AW-JSON { "username": "admin", "password": "CodingDojo2022!" } but im getting this error POST /api/trpc/user.login 400 in 15ms ❌ tRPC failed on user.login: [ { "code": "invalid_type", "expected": "object", "received": "undefined", "path": [], "message": "Required" } ] { "error": { "json": { "message": "[\n {\n \"code\": \"invalid_type\",\n \"expected\": \"object\",\n \"received\": \"undefined\",\n \"path\": [],\n \"message\": \"Required\"\n }\n]"

Applying default layout to Nuxt.js error page while preserving route transitions

27 July 2024 @ 9:14 am

I have set up a default layout that includes a header and footer. This layout works fine for all of my pages since they are inside the pages directory and because I have a <NuxtPage/> wrapped in <NuxtLayout/> in app.vue. However, I've encountered an issue with the error page. It is located outside the pages directory and as a result, the default layout will never be applied. I've considered adding a <NuxtLayout/> component in error.vue, but this approach causes conflicts with the <NuxtLayout/> in app.vue - it re-renders it and breaks the transition. I have both pageTransition and layoutTransition set up in nuxt.config.ts. How can I make sure that the default layout is applied to the error page while maintaining a transition?

How to mock indexed display in Figma

27 July 2024 @ 9:11 am

I am new to the Figma app and need the hints how to approach the design in the best way. I would like to create the iPhone app mockup, styling it to look like 'indexed display'. Should I divided the frame for little squares and try to create the fonts based on it or there is easier way to do this ? enter image description here

CSS to "scale" Image to Fit Browser Window height and width

27 July 2024 @ 9:10 am

I am generating a static site where the images and set within a responsive "picture frame" so the Mat is the same size on each side, regardless of the image's aspect ratio. This is working well; however... I want to ensure that the whole "picture frame" is visible in the browser window. Currently, the frame is sized to the width, meaning tall images scroll off the bottom. Can someone look at my code and suggest how I dynamically resize the "picture frame" so it is 100% visible in the browser window ? There is a JSFiddle here - link <div class="frame" style="padding-bottom: 115.09%"> <div class="mat" style="top: 2.1721%; bottom: 2.1721%; left: 2.50%; right: 2.50%;"> <div class="art" style="top: 11.354%; bottom: 11.354%; left: 13.158%; right: 13.158%;">

Selenium python program started crashing with WinError 193

27 July 2024 @ 9:09 am

I am running code with pytest and initializing a set of frontend tests with selenium. With no changes in code my selenium chrome tests started crashing with this error, firefox tests pass with no issue. Looks like something not related directly with code but rather my system? Below I'm pasting full log of the error I am receiving. I would appreciate all the help I can get. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ERROR at setup of TestLoginPage.test_positive_login[chrome] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ request = <SubRequest 'driver' for <Function test_positive_login[chrome]>> @pytest.fixture(params=["chrome", "firefox"]) def driver(request): chrome_options = ChromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument("--headless=new") firefox_options = FirefoxOptions() firefox_options.add_a

Tenancy for Laravel repeating db search query for domain multiple times

27 July 2024 @ 8:56 am

I have a Laravel v10.x multitenancy application, I'm using stancl/tenancy: ^3.8 with multiple database and InitializeTenancyByDomain and PreventAccessFromCentralDomainsmiddlewares. In partical terms it's working fine, but when analyzing the db queries being done in more detail, controller construct method: \DB::listen(function($query) { \Log::info( $query->sql, $query->bindings, $query->time ); }); I'm seeing in my logs a lots of (30+ times, for some routes): select * from `domains` where `domains`.`tenant_id` = ? and `domains`.`tenant_id` is not null limit 1 When In fact I'm calling this route/controller only twice, one non ajax, and other ajax. I can see this in the browser network tab. So this query being done only twice is the expected. My assumption at first was that the tenant() helper isn't cached in

consistency by isolation levels, while SELECT SUM(*) million records, UPDATE some records

27 July 2024 @ 8:49 am

I was testing READ UNCOMITTED and READ COMITTED. For this, using 2.5 million row records, I tried the followings. First, at Session A: BEGIN; SELECT SUM(salary) FROM salaries; then immediately (before finishing the SUM), at Session B: BEGIN; UPDATE salaries SET salary = 10000 WHERE emp_no = 250000; COMMIT; then the result is: READ UNCOMMITTED at Session A gives the result as if it is after UPDATE. (understandable) READ COMMITTED at Session A gives the result as if it is before UPDATE. (confusing for me) I'm confused about the result of READ COMMITTED. When Session A is scanning the records, I think the UPDATE from Session B is already commited. In other words, the difference between READ UNCOMMITTED and READ COMMITTED should be if

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A playground for web developers, use it as an online editor for snippets built from HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The code can then be shared with others, embedded on a blog, etc.

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Digital media magazine for designers and developers
Web design plus tips and tricks.

Integrating Image-To-Text And Text-To-Speech Models (Part 1)

24 July 2024 @ 10:00 am

Joas Pambou built an app that integrates vision language models (VLMs) and text-to-speech (TTS) AI technologies to describe images audibly with speech. This audio description tool can be a big help for people with sight challenges to understand what’s in an image. But how this does it even work? Joas explains how these AI systems work and their potential uses, including how he built the app and ways to further improve it.

Getting To The Bottom Of Minimum WCAG-Conformant Interactive Element Size

19 July 2024 @ 1:00 pm

WCAG provides guidance for making interactive elements more accessible by specifying minimum size requirements. In this article, Eric Bailey discusses the nuances of interactive element sizes and clarifies what it looks like to provide accessible interactive experiences using WCAG-compliant target sizes.

Build Design Systems With Penpot Components

18 July 2024 @ 10:00 am

In today’s turbulent landscape of design, Penpot stands out with its commitment to open-source, free unlimited access, and its unique, robust features. An example could be its new components system that takes another leap forward in aligning design with code. Let's dive into how it empowers both designers and developers to create more maintainable and scalable design systems.

How To Design Effective Conversational AI Experiences: A Comprehensive Guide

15 July 2024 @ 9:00 am

This in-depth guide takes you through the three crucial phases of conversational search, revealing how users express their needs, explore results, and refine their queries. Learn how AI agents can overcome communication barriers, personalize the search experience, and adapt to evolving user intent.

When Friction Is A Good Thing: Designing Sustainable E-Commerce Experiences

10 July 2024 @ 1:00 pm

Today, UX design contributes to the problem of excessive consumption through persuasive e-commerce practices and designing for companies with linear and exploitative business models. Anna Rátkai explores practical steps we can take to reduce material consumption and the massive environmental impact that comes along with it by designing mindful shopping experiences.

Useful Customer Journey Maps (+ Figma & Miro Templates)

8 July 2024 @ 10:00 am

Visualize the user experience with user journey maps. Here are some helpful templates, real-world applications, and insights on the importance of mapping both successful and unsuccessful touchpoints. Part of [Smart Interface Design Patterns]( by yours truly.

Tales Of An Eternal Summer (July 2024 Wallpapers Edition)

30 June 2024 @ 8:00 am

Let’s welcome the new month with some fresh desktop wallpapers! Created by artists and designers from across the globe, they come in versions with and without a calendar for July 2024. Enjoy!

How To Improve Your Microcopy: UX Writing Tips For Non-UX Writers

28 June 2024 @ 10:00 am

Interface copy plays a crucial role in the overall user experience, helping guide users smoothly, allowing them to navigate easily through the app, discover and start using product features, and more. In this article, you’ll find simple, practical tips and a checklist to help you create a clear and concise microcopy, ensuring a seamless user experience.

How To Make A Strong Case For Accessibility

26 June 2024 @ 12:00 pm

Gaining buy-in for accessibility can be challenging due to common myths and misunderstandings. For many, accessibility remains a big mystery. Here are some practical techniques for winning stakeholder support. Part of [Smart Interface Design Patterns]( by yours truly.

So Your Website Or App Is Live… Now What?

24 June 2024 @ 6:00 pm

The biggest mistake you can make in UX design is to launch a website or app and then walk away. Monitoring and improving after launch will benefit users and your metrics. Nothing will bring bigger gains.

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Create, edit & deploy fullstack apps — in just one click. From Angular to React or even just HTML, JS and CSS.

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An on-line real-time database for your apps.

#FirebaserFriday: Frank van Puffelen

18 March 2022 @ 3:58 pm

Paulette McCroskey Social Media Manager, Advanced Systems Group, LLC

How Firebase Performance Monitoring optimized app startup time

9 March 2022 @ 4:58 pm

Viswanathan Munisamy Software Engineer

Using Machine Learning to optimize mobile game experiences

15 February 2022 @ 4:58 pm

Sachin Kotwani Senior Product Manager Elvis Sun Software Engineer Mobile app and game developers can use on-device machine learning in their apps to increase user engagement and grow revenue. We worked with game developer HalfBrick to train and implement a custom model that personalized the user's in-game experience based on the player's skill level and session details, resulting in increased interactions with

Accept Payments with Cloud Firestore and Google Pay

11 February 2022 @ 8:00 pm

Stephen McDonald Developer Relations Engineer, Google Pay Back in 2019 we launched Firebase Extensions - pre-packaged solutions that save you time by providing extended functionality to your Firebase apps, without the need to research, write, or debug code on your own. Since then, a ton of extensions have been added to the platform covering a wide range of features, from email triggers and text messaging, to image resizing, translation, and much more. Google Pay Firebase Extension We're now

Everything you need to know about Remote Config’s latest personalization feature

26 January 2022 @ 6:22 pm

Jon Mensing Product Manager An important part of turning your app into a business is to optimize your user experience to drive the bottom line results you want. A popular way to do this is through manual experimentation, which involves setting up A/B tests for different components of your app and finding the top performing variant. Now, you can save time and effort - and still maximize the objectives you want - with Remote Config’s latest personalization feature. Personalization harnesses the power of machine learning to automatically find the optimal e

What’s new at Firebase Summit 2021

10 November 2021 @ 5:31 pm

Kristen Richards Group Product Manager

Automate your pre-release testing with the App Distribution REST API

8 November 2021 @ 5:59 pm

Liat Berry Product Manager

Improving the Google Analytics dashboard in Firebase

5 November 2021 @ 6:03 pm

Sumit Chandel Developer Advocate If you’ve visited the Firebase console’s Analytics section recently, you might have noticed something new… an updated Analytics dashboard, a new Realtime view and a few other UI enhancements.

How to get better insight into push notification delivery

27 October 2021 @ 3:45 pm

Charlotte Liang Charlotte Liang Software Engineer

Pinpointing API performance issues with Custom URL Patterns

20 October 2021 @ 3:45 pm

Ibrahim Ulukaya Ibrahim Ulukaya Developer Advocate

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The alternative to Github, private and open git repositories.

What’s next for Atlassian Intelligence (AI) in Bitbucket

23 July 2024 @ 11:30 pm

With AI technology advancing rapidly, we at Atlassian recognize its potential to accelerate collaboration, and are invested in infusing it into… The post What’s next for Atlassian Intelligence (AI) in Bitbucket appeared first on Bitbucket.

Update: Supported cipher suites for Bitbucket Cloud

16 July 2024 @ 6:21 pm

On July 15, 2024, Bitbucket began to update its Transport Layer Security (TLS) configuration to be consistent with other Atlassian Cloud… The post Update: Supported cipher suites for Bitbucket Cloud appeared first on Bitbucket.

Update: New IP addresses for Bitbucket Cloud

11 July 2024 @ 4:31 pm

Note: This is a follow-up to a May 2023 blog post about Bitbucket Cloud IP address changes. It includes updates to… The post Update: New IP addresses for Bitbucket Cloud appeared first on Bitbucket.

Scale your code review with custom merge checks

25 June 2024 @ 9:58 pm

Pull requests are a core feature of Bitbucket Cloud, serving as the hub where code contributions are reviewed, discussed, and approved… The post Scale your code review with custom merge checks appeared first on Bitbucket.

Announcing our new CI/CD runtime, with up to 8x faster builds

25 June 2024 @ 12:57 am

We recently gave you a preview of some exciting changes coming to Bitbucket Pipelines with the release of our next-generation CI/CD… The post Announcing our new CI/CD runtime, with up to 8x faster builds appeared first on Bitbucket.

Focus on recent code changes with iterative review

24 June 2024 @ 6:01 pm

Hello, Bitbucket Cloud Community! 👋 We are incredibly excited to announce the introduction of Iterative review, a feature designed to help… The post Focus on recent code changes with iterative review appeared first on Bitbucket.

Notifications in Bitbucket make it even easier to prioritize your work!

6 June 2024 @ 4:00 pm

Exciting news for Bitbucket users! You now have direct access to notifications right within Bitbucket. To view your notifications, simply click… The post Notifications in Bitbucket make it even easier to prioritize your work! appeared first on Bitbucket.

Provide full context to reviewers by including pipeline artifacts within the pull request

29 May 2024 @ 11:45 pm

The code insights functionality in Bitbucket Cloud provides a variety of reports, annotations, and metrics to help your team have full… The post Provide full context to reviewers by including pipeline artifacts within the pull request appeared first on Bitbucket.

Introducing 🥁 A new Bitbucket pull request experience

13 May 2024 @ 8:08 pm

Here at Bitbucket Cloud, we are focused on helping you and your teams have the best possible experience for code review.… The post Introducing 🥁 A new Bitbucket pull request experience appeared first on Bitbucket.

Bring more context to your code with Compass

9 May 2024 @ 11:17 pm

The context challenge Understanding and interacting with code repositories can be frustrating: you often don't get all of the information you… The post Bring more context to your code with Compass appeared first on Bitbucket.

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Useful resources and inspiration for creative minds (html, css, javascript)

Collective #856

26 July 2024 @ 11:00 am

Misconceptions about view transitions * The Right Kind of Stubborn * CSS Grid Generator

Case Study: Rogier de Boevé Portfolio — 2024

26 July 2024 @ 9:57 am

Insights into the creative process and technical details behind the portfolio of Rogier de Boevé, a Belgium-based creative developer and digital designer.

On Ne Change Pas: The Creative Work Process Behind a Stunning UI Animation

23 July 2024 @ 10:31 am

In this article, we take you behind the scenes to explore the creation process of an intriguing animation.

Collective #855

19 July 2024 @ 5:04 pm

The Magic of Clip Path * Framer Motion Theatre * State of Text Rendering 2024

How to Create Distortion and Grain Effects on Scroll with Shaders in Three.js

18 July 2024 @ 12:12 pm

Learn how to create distortion and grain effects on scroll using Three.js shaders, syncing HTML images with WebGL.

How to Create a Liquid Raymarching Scene Using Three.js Shading Language

15 July 2024 @ 10:33 am

An introduction to Raymarching using the power of Signed Distance Fields (SDFs) and simple lighting to create a liquid shape effect.

Collective #854

12 July 2024 @ 11:00 am

How to use container queries now * Exploring Randomness In JavaScript * Drop it! * Vizzu

Creating an Animated Displaced Sphere with a Custom Three.js Material

9 July 2024 @ 2:05 pm

Learn how to create an animated, displaced sphere using custom shaders with Three.js and React Three Fiber.

Collective #853

5 July 2024 @ 11:00 am

Design GUI * Morphing Arbitrary Paths in SVG * Local, first, forever

Inspirational Websites Roundup #62

5 July 2024 @ 10:46 am

A brand new collection of the most inspiring website designs from the past couple of weeks.

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Deploy your app with Free CLI-based deployments.

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Hosting packages for an initial web presence

Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale now on at Heart Internet

22 November 2022 @ 3:31 pm

You can now get up to 33% off the price of a cPanel-managed Web Hosting plan at Heart Internet.

Are your website fonts sending the right message?

3 November 2022 @ 10:18 am

Did you know that the fonts you use on your website can impact the way your customers perceive and interact with your brand?

10 of the best WooCommerce plugins

27 October 2022 @ 10:53 am

Including options for optimising your cart, boosting customer loyalty, and selling tickets.

9 creative alternatives to .com and domains

5 October 2022 @ 2:37 pm

Discover the appeal of .ninja, .coffee, .guru and more - all available in our domain name sale.

Save up to 43% on WordPress Hosting in our latest sale

20 September 2022 @ 3:23 pm

We’ve just slashed the price of WordPress Hosting at Heart Internet.

What to do once you’ve bought a domain

7 September 2022 @ 12:48 pm

A guide to what to do next once you've chosen your perfect domain name.

Empowering quotes and motivational tips for entrepreneurs

25 August 2022 @ 8:33 am

Including quotes from Amelia Earhart and Barack Obama, to give you a little pick me up.

5 reasons we love cPanel

10 August 2022 @ 7:09 am

When browsing through hosting packages, you’ll often come across the word cPanel. But what exactly does this word mean and what are the benefits of buying a hosting package with cPanel included?

Four ways domains can help you protect your brand identity online

2 August 2022 @ 9:55 am

Did you know that domains can be so much more than a mere address or waymark? In this blog, we look at how they can be a powerful tool for online brand protection.

It’s World Wide Web Day so here are 5 reasons to get your business online

1 August 2022 @ 9:19 am

Celebrating World Wide Web Day by looking at why it's never been more important to have an online presence.

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GitHub is the best way to collaborate with others. Fork, send pull requests and manage all your public and private git repositories.

GitHub Accelerator Showcase: Celebrating our second cohort and what’s next

25 July 2024 @ 3:00 pm

Meet each maintainer, watch their project demos, and discover the unique story of each open source AI project. The post GitHub Accelerator Showcase: Celebrating our second cohort and what’s next appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How we improved availability through iterative simplification

23 July 2024 @ 5:00 pm

Solving and staying ahead of problems when scaling up a system of GitHub’s size is a delicate process. Here's a look at some of the tools in GitHub's toolbox, and how we’ve used them to solve problems. The post How we improved availability through iterative simplification appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How to review code effectively: A GitHub staff engineer’s philosophy

23 July 2024 @ 4:00 pm

GitHub Staff Engineer Sarah Vessels discusses her philosophy of code review, what separates good code review from bad, her strategy for finding and reviewing code, and how to get the most from reviews of her own code. The post How to review code effectively: A GitHub staff engineer’s philosophy appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

3 ways to get Remote Code Execution in Kafka UI

22 July 2024 @ 3:00 pm

In this blog post, we'll explain how we discovered three critical vulnerabilities in Kafka UI and how they can be exploited. The post 3 ways to get Remote Code Execution in Kafka UI appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

How researchers are using GitHub Innovation Graph data to estimate the impact of ChatGPT

17 July 2024 @ 4:00 pm

An interview with economic researchers who are applying causal inference techniques to analyze the effect of generative AI tools on software development activity. The post How researchers are using GitHub Innovation Graph data to estimate the impact of ChatGPT appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

GitHub Availability Report: June 2024

12 July 2024 @ 8:32 pm

In June, we experienced two incidents that resulted in degraded performance across GitHub services. The post GitHub Availability Report: June 2024 appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Advancing responsible practices for open source AI

11 July 2024 @ 9:26 pm

Outcomes from the Partnership on AI and GitHub workshop. The post Advancing responsible practices for open source AI appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Exploring the challenges in creating an accessible sortable list (drag-and-drop)

9 July 2024 @ 7:06 pm

Drag-and-drop is a highly interactive and visual interface. We often use drag-and-drop to perform tasks like uploading files, reordering browser bookmarks, or even moving a card in solitaire. The post Exploring the challenges in creating an accessible sortable list (drag-and-drop) appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Beginner’s guide to GitHub: Uploading files and folders to GitHub

8 July 2024 @ 1:00 pm

The next step in our GitHub for Beginners series is learning how to add files and folders to your GitHub repository. The post Beginner’s guide to GitHub: Uploading files and folders to GitHub appeared first on The GitHub Blog.

Attack of the clones: Getting RCE in Chrome’s renderer with duplicate object properties

26 June 2024 @ 4:00 pm

In this post, I'll exploit CVE-2024-3833, an object corruption bug in v8, the Javascript engine of Chrome, that allows remote code execution (RCE) in the renderer sandbox of Chrome by a single visit to a malicious site. The post Attack of the clones: Getting RCE in Chrome’s renderer with duplicate object properties appeared first on The GitHub Blog.