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The fight in the UK to save the national health service.

But who is to blame? UK Covid-19 Inquiry first report

18 July 2024 @ 5:13 pm

The People’s Covid Inquiry (PCI) organised by Keep Our NHS Public ran from February – June 2021.Chaired by Michael Mansfield QC, the Inquiry heard from over 50 witnesses who gave evidence to a distinguished panel [...]

Devastating dossier: birth services in Oxfordshire

12 July 2024 @ 3:00 pm

Despite all efforts of those in the Keep the Horton General (KTHG) campaign, Banbury’s consultant-led service ended in 2016, to be replaced by a midwife-led maternity unit. There were poignant warnings of the dangers for [...]

Rolling back privatisation?

11 July 2024 @ 10:53 am

In our analysis of the Health Manifesto of the Labour party, now the Government of the country, we did not cover the manifesto promises under the ‘Kick start economic growth’ chapter where several commitments of [...]


5 July 2024 @ 8:24 am

Read Keep Our NHS Public’s post-election statement on Labour’s win and the new challenges faced by NHS campaigners. After an uninspiring six-week-long election campaign we now know that Labour will form the next government. Following fourteen [...]


4 July 2024 @ 10:03 am

The Restore the People’s NHS London conference on Saturday 22 June was an important and informative event designed for experienced NHS activists, newcomers and all those passionate about ending the NHS crisis and saving it [...]

The NHS doesn’t need Reform UK

3 July 2024 @ 4:37 pm

We don’t need the kind of NHS ‘reforms’ currently on offer from the main electoral parties, none of which provide a sustainable solution to the deepening crisis in the National Health Service, but neither does [...]

Main manifestos all lead to NHS decline, warns Nuffield Trust

3 July 2024 @ 12:43 pm

John Lister analyses the manifestos of the three major parties in The Lowdown. We are grateful for permission to reprint this article. The publication of the manifestos of the three major parties has been followed [...]

Statement by Co-chairs of Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) on the general election and North Islington constituency

30 June 2024 @ 2:46 pm

KONP is a non-party political organisation with a clear position against privatisation in the NHS, a coherent plan for a People’s NHS (directed to all parties), and a detailed critique of the current Labour Party [...]

Labour’s NHS manifesto not ‘Fit for the Future’

28 June 2024 @ 1:37 pm

The recovery of the NHS is in the hands of the incoming government and the balance of forces able to force change. Keep Our NHS Public’s crucial concerns in the Labour Manifesto on the NHS [...]

Primary care: events are moving fast, and in the wrong direction

26 June 2024 @ 6:10 pm

Brenda Allan from the KONP Primary Care Working group tells us about developments which are moving Primary Care in the wrong direction What’s good for patients Is good for the economy. Primary care investment is [...]