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Get up and running growing your own food. Gardening made simple.

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Investigative journalism by Richard D. Hall

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Check a car or bike’s history, with premium features.

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Find local farmer produce (food) in the UK.

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Keeping you safe from the people that keep you safe.

All forces Legal Department email addresses

9 July 2024 @ 3:20 am

If you intend to sue the police as a Litigant in Person (where you represent yourself), you must ensure that you send your Letter of Claim and any follow-up legal papers to the correct department. Select your relevant force from the list below. Do not use these email addresses to make complaints. A list of […]

All forces FOI email addresses

8 July 2024 @ 5:23 pm

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000, provides the public with the right to access information held by public authorities. FOI aims to promote transparency and accountability by allowing individuals to request and receive information about the activities and decisions of governmental bodies, including the police. Police Force FOI Email Address Avon and Somerset Constabulary […]

All forces subject access email addresses

14 June 2024 @ 4:18 am

Subject access, under the GDPR and the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018, provides individuals with the right to access personal data held about them by organisations. This right enables individuals to obtain confirmation that their data is being processed, access the data itself, and receive supplementary information about how and why their data is being […]

All forces Police Complaint email addresses

26 May 2024 @ 7:07 am

These are the official complaint department email addresses of every police force in England and Wales. It is vital, when making a complaint, that you send it directly to the professional standards department of the relevant force. This will prevent it from being mishandled by standard rank-and-file officers. It also overcomes the danger of using […]

Update on Copper Stopper and CB

26 May 2024 @ 5:10 am

Regular readers of this website and viewers of my YouTube channel may have noticed my extended absence. This has been due to my full-time commitment of completing “Copper Stopper,” a project I have been working on for the past two and a half years. As a result, I have had no time to upload videos […]

Have the ICO got it in for the deaf?

29 August 2022 @ 11:14 pm

The ignorance some organisations have towards data protection is breathtaking. Too many of them see it as nothing more than a blanket excuse to stonewall customers from accessing their own personal information. This is where the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) are supposed to come in. Part of their function is to help the public overcome […]

Crimebodge is 10 years old!

18 August 2022 @ 4:05 pm

When I first embarked on this endevour I had no intention of it being long term. I needed some way to vent my frustration at the police’s vile attempt to ruin my life and writing was all I was good at. If you haven’t read my origin story, then take a look as it explains […]

Youtube suspended me Courtesy of the Trans Mafia

10 August 2022 @ 2:21 pm

Youtube is not a platform for free speech. It is owned by Google and staffed predominantly with employees that maintain hard left values. It will silence anyone that strays too far from the accepted political narrative, citing its tenuous and abstract ‘terms and conditions’ as an excuse for its brazen censorship. I already knew all […]

The blue Code of Silence

31 July 2022 @ 11:43 am

Solicitor Iain Gould has brought the terror of PC Mark Knights to a close by successfully suing Derbyshire police for £20K plus costs. He also posted an interesting article on the subject. It focuses on a very important side issue regarding the attack: The Blue Code of Silence. Aka the police’s unofficial refusal to speak […]

The Hate Crime that Never Was: the Persecution and Prosecution of Louis Duxbury

16 June 2021 @ 4:18 pm

Inciting religious hatred In November 2019 Louis Duxbury, a 22 year old university student from York, was sentenced to 18 months in prison for ‘inciting religious hatred’ under section 29E of the Public Order Act 1986. The prosecution was brought as a result of a 17 minute monologue that Duxbury uploaded to Facebook. I can’t […]

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Taking back sovereignty through common law.

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HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts.

An open letter to Professor MacEwen at the GMC

27 June 2024 @ 11:16 am

time to put your words into practice and end the witch hunt against doctors Open letter to GMC: 28th June 2024 Professor Dame Carrie MacEwen, Chair, General Medical Council Mr Charlie Massey, CEO, General Medical Council Professor Philip Banfield, chairman of council, British Medical Association Dr Jeanette Dickson, Chair of Council, Academy of Medical Royal […] The post An open letter to Professor MacEwen at the GMC appeared first on HART.

Pick of the Week 10th June

8 June 2024 @ 8:36 am

A selection of top picks from HART members The post Pick of the Week 10th June appeared first on HART.

Have ONS admitted to problems with their data?

8 June 2024 @ 8:26 am

There have been numerous papers and much public health data where the vaccinated have been described as unvaccinated for two or three weeks which causes a double bias in the data. The higher rate of covid in the first few weeks after injection amplifies the problem. The post Have ONS admitted to problems with their data? appeared first on HART.

The new rites of passage

8 June 2024 @ 8:22 am

It has become almost impossible to die in this country without first being injected. No longer is the priest by the bedside reading last rites, it's the vaccinator. The post The new rites of passage appeared first on HART.


8 June 2024 @ 6:11 am

In June 2021, Dr. Sam White, a general practitioner, released a video calling out harmful covid policy. From a scientific perspective every word he said was entirely defensible. Moreover it is clear that he was speaking from an ethical position of wanting to protect his patients from harm. He pulled no punches in addressing the most prominent issues that were causing harm - lack of treatment for the frail, inappropriate gene therapies and masking. In interviews, in 2022, he called the situation a war between good and evil. In doing so he unleashed a torrent of anger among those in a position of power over him, which, three years on, continues to harm him. The post Kafka-NHS appeared first on HART.

Blood scandal exposes systemic hypocrisy

8 June 2024 @ 6:00 am

This last week we found ourselves in the midst of a harrowing revelation, as the headlines of every major newspaper are dominated by the infected blood scandal. This catastrophic event, where thousands of innocent lives, including children, were irrevocably damaged by the administration of HIV-contaminated blood, is a stark reminder of the systemic failures and gross negligence that can pervade our institutions. The post Blood scandal exposes systemic hypocrisy appeared first on HART.

AstraZeneca product withdrawn

17 May 2024 @ 4:18 pm

At the end of April AstraZeneca admitted in court that its product could cause clots that could kill. A proportion of the claimants who were vaccinated after the 7th April were asked by the legal team to withdraw from the case because at that point AstraZeneca added a line into their patient information leaflet to include a rare risk of clots as an adverse event. The post AstraZeneca product withdrawn appeared first on HART.

Pick of the Week – 17 May 2024

17 May 2024 @ 4:09 pm

A selection of top picks from HART members The post Pick of the Week – 17 May 2024 appeared first on HART.

Cardiac arrest ambulance calls in 2024: how many really?

15 May 2024 @ 5:31 pm

Weekly cardiac arrest calls were higher in 2022 and 2023 than 2020. Looking at the trends in 2024 would be interesting - if only it were possible. The post Cardiac arrest ambulance calls in 2024: how many really? appeared first on HART.

Mainstream media continues to act as the marketing arm of Big Pharma

15 May 2024 @ 5:22 pm

This episode actually illustrates all that is wrong with our relationship with Big Pharma. The first thing that anyone who wants to critically analyse these statements should do is find the actual study paper itself. All that can be found is this brief paper, actually published in November last year. The post Mainstream media continues to act as the marketing arm of Big Pharma appeared first on HART.

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Just another UK mainstream news outlet? Reporting/repeating the mainstream narrative.

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An updated list of candidates you can vote for the up and coming UK elections.

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David Icke calling out the corruption in our midst. News that makes sense.

Perpetual Blitzkrieg To Break Your Spirit’ – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast

26 July 2024 @ 9:30 am

Watch on banned and download here. David Icke takes on the news of the week and puts the headlines you’re reading into a wider context of what they mean in the big picture. Only in this news show do you hear what is happening, and also why it is happening, and it’s in the why, […] The post Perpetual Blitzkrieg To Break Your Spirit’ – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast appeared first on David Icke.

George Orwell Is Being Cancelled

26 July 2024 @ 9:08 am

Orwell observed how some writers are so important that cultural and political “ownership” of their work is fiercely contested. He said this of Dickens and Shakespeare, so would be delighted that he’s now firmly in that camp. But I think he’d be less happy that the weasel word ‘problematic’ is the cover under which his position […] The post George Orwell Is Being Cancelled appeared first on David Icke.

Global IT Outage: How ‘The Cloud’ Increases Our Vulnerabilities

26 July 2024 @ 9:05 am

Bearing in mind the current Global computer outage and the domino effect due to everything being “connected” we post the below article (HT Tanja Katarina Rebel) which spells out the Ecological impact of Computation and the Cloud, will perhaps hit home more. Then of course, there is the security issue…. The Staggering Ecological Impacts of […] The post Global IT Outage: How ‘The Cloud’ Increases Our Vulnerabilities appeared first on David Icke.

The Walk – EP 126 – The Lost Industries Of Ambergate – Derbyshire

26 July 2024 @ 9:00 am

The post The Walk – EP 126 – The Lost Industries Of Ambergate – Derbyshire appeared first on David Icke.

The First Two Titles In The Trilogy, ‘The Trap’ & ‘The Dream’ On Offer All Weekend…

26 July 2024 @ 8:18 am

With ‘The Reveal’, the book that completes the trilogy, available for pre-order from August 1st, we are offering a deal on ‘The Trap’ and ‘The Dream’ all weekend. Click onto to find out more! The post The First Two Titles In The Trilogy, ‘The Trap’ & ‘The Dream’ On Offer All Weekend… appeared first on David Icke.

The Salary Needed To Buy A Home In 50 US Cities In 2024

26 July 2024 @ 8:10 am

In 2024, the median salary for the typical American home buyer has risen to $104,339 – up from $88,000 just two years prior. Despite record-high home prices, housing demand continues to outpace supply, even with mortgage rates at their highest in over a decade. As one bright spot, housing inventory is steadily increasing, with the […] The post The Salary Needed To Buy A Home In 50 US Cities In 2024 appeared first on David Icke.

Biden and the Media’s ‘Anti-Disinformation Campaign

26 July 2024 @ 8:05 am

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984 For years the media, “fact-checkers,” and “anti-disinformation” initiatives told the public there was nothing wrong with Joe Biden. A few weeks ago, in the space of five minutes, they flipped. Rapid-onset […] The post Biden and the Media’s ‘Anti-Disinformation Campaign appeared first on David Icke.

‘Climate Change’ Used to Justify Government’s Record ‘Investment’ in Renewables. Cui Bono? Not the Taxpayer

26 July 2024 @ 8:00 am

The Government appears ready to claim that the ‘imminent’ threat of climate change justifies what will be the largest taxpayer investment ever recorded in wind and solar farms in British history. The Telegraph has the details. Sir Keir Starmer is to unveil the first investment by the £8.3 billion taxpayer-funded Great British Energy, which will […] The post ‘Climate Change’ Used to Justify Government’s Record ‘Investment’ in Renewables. Cui Bono? Not the Taxpayer appeared first on David Icke.

Hundreds of Thousands Are Ditching the Licence Fee – And It’s a Crisis for the BBC

26 July 2024 @ 7:54 am

Facing an exodus of licence fee payers and calls for a boycott, the BBC is teetering on the brink of an existential crisis, says James Warrington in the Telegraph. Here’s how his article begins: Tim Davie, the BBC Director General, was candid this week about the scale of the financial challenges facing the public service […] The post Hundreds of Thousands Are Ditching the Licence Fee – And It’s a Crisis for the BBC appeared first on David Icke.

Bohemian Grove ceremony this year

26 July 2024 @ 7:49 am

Full 2024 Bohemian Grove Cremation Of Care Ceremony. We commend the many journalists including @dancer_co who risked their freedom to bring this information, that is in the public interest, to the forefront. Public policy is made by the Republican Elite at the Bohemian Grove… — Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 25, 2024 The post Bohemian Grove ceremony this year appeared first on David Icke.