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The World’s Most Unusual Magazine, featuring conspiracies before they become mainstream.

To Be or Not to Be: Daria Dugina’s Vision of the Apocalypse

15 June 2024 @ 11:31 am

From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 18 No 1 (Feb 2024) In the year and a half since 29-year-old Daria Dugina was killed in a car bombing near Moscow, the question “Who is Daria Dugina?” has not gone away. On [...]

Awakening the God Within: Secret Teachings of Richard, Duc de Palatine & The Brotherhood & Order of the Pleroma

15 June 2024 @ 11:30 am

From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 18 No 2 (Apr 2024) One of the most remarkable spiritual teachers of modern times, Richard, Duc de Palatine (1916-1977), is little known today outside of a handful of modern Gnostic churches and initiatory [...]

The ‘Fourth Turning’ in an Ages-Long Struggle

15 June 2024 @ 11:30 am

From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 15 No 6 (Dec 2021) The remarkable 1997 book The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy by William Strauss and Neil Howe argues that the familiar linear approach to history taught in most western education [...]

What’s This About An Afterlife?

15 June 2024 @ 11:30 am

From New Dawn 199 (Jul-Aug 2023) So you think the continuity of consciousness after physical death is just a bunch of faith-based woo-woo?  You think it’s something cooked up to make us feel better about our inevitable journey from the [...]

Permacrisis: The New Normal 

15 June 2024 @ 11:30 am

From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 17 No 6 (Dec 2023) What are the main characteristics of this “new normal” of enduring crisis? First and foremost, a generalised acceptance of the idea that we can no longer afford to organise [...]

What the Technocratic Elitists Plan for Your Future

31 May 2024 @ 11:00 am

From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 17 No 6 (Dec 2023) We are currently living through one of the most important periods in human history, as the ruling class biofascists move to transform the world into something out of a [...]

The Palestinian Revolution Spoke to Jean Genet as It Speaks to the Globe Today

31 May 2024 @ 11:00 am

From New Dawn 203 (Mar-Apr 2024) “If I were to be asked why I support the Palestinian revolution,”1 remarked French novelist Jean Genet in a piece for the autumn 1973 issue of the Journal of Palestine Studies, “I would recall [...]

Attack on the Mind: Mental Health Fall-out From Cognitive Warfare Techniques

31 May 2024 @ 11:00 am

From New Dawn 193 (Jul-Aug 2022) Even the mainstream media and global health organisations cannot ignore the massive toll COVID-19, the Ukraine/Russia conflict, vaccine and mask mandates, geopolitical chaos, rising inflation, and new threats – real and imagined – have [...]

Restore Your Microbiome: The Secrets of Good Gut Health

31 May 2024 @ 10:59 am

From New Dawn 187 (Jul-Aug 2021) The intestinal, or gut, flora of human beings plays a major role in the proper functioning of the body. As a vital link in the various stages of the digestive process, it synthesises nutrients, [...]

The Ex-Nazis Who Helped the CIA & Mossad

31 May 2024 @ 10:59 am

From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 13 No 3 (June 2019) You’re unlikely to find him featured front and centre in high school history textbooks, but Reinhard Gehlen was an important and complex historical figure who had a surprisingly large [...]