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Labour Set Stage for Tax Rises

26 July 2024 @ 6:27 pm

Labour is set to announce a massive black hole in the nation’s finances – and their solution is likley to be higher taxes. Plus: The government confirms it will withdraw its objection to the ICC’s arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu; and Donald Trump’s running mate threatens to drag down the campaign. With Michael Walker and […]

The UK’s First Palestinian Cultural Centre Is Within Arm’s Reach

26 July 2024 @ 2:30 pm

High Holborn is one of London’s busiest streets and leads to some of its most synonymous locations. The British Museum, St Paul’s Cathedral and the Royal Opera House are all a short walk away; the Tower of London and the Houses of Parliament are roughly equidistant to the east and west. Just off the street, […]

Britain’s Radical Right Are on the March

26 July 2024 @ 10:26 am

The demise of the Tories isn’t the end of the road for the British right. Quite the reverse: there are many whose extreme right-wing beliefs have been kept on the margins by the existence of the Conservative party. But now, with the Tories licking their wounds, the extremists – from fascist street agitators Patriotic Alternative […]

Jonathan Ashworth Apologises After Leaving Party Colleague ‘Distressed and Alarmed’

26 July 2024 @ 10:15 am

Jonathan Ashworth in 2022. REUTERS/Maja SmiejkowskaFormer Labour MP Jonathan Ashworth, who was beaten by a pro-Palestine independent in a shock general election result, is one of several candidates who complained of being subjected to bullying and intimidation on the campaign trail. Home secretary Yvette Cooper has promised a review of the election after several Labour MPs and candidates said they […]

Israel Is Running Out of Road

26 July 2024 @ 9:39 am

Protesters hold placards condemning Israel's genocide in Gaza and the UK government's complicityKeir Starmer once said Labour faced a choice between “protest or power”. I guess it’s protest then. After 10 months of million-man marches demanding an end to Israel’s plausible genocide in Gaza, scrappy grassroots campaigns that elected Westminster’s first group of pro-Palestine independents and direct actions that took out key military infrastructure, the government’s hand […]

UK Poised to Halt Arms to Israel & Withdraw Objections to Netanyahu’s Arrest Warrant

25 July 2024 @ 6:29 pm

The UK is poised to halt arms sales to Israel, but doing so would require Keir Starmer to break with US strategy. Plus: Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the US Congress; and a police officer is filmed kicking an unarmed man in the head. With Moya Lothian-Maclean and Rivkah Brown

UK Poised to Halt Arms to Israel – And Withdraw Objections to Netanyahu Arrest Warrant

25 July 2024 @ 1:55 pm

Labour intends to publicise – and follow – advice it has commissioned from officials that is expected to recommend the UK halts some if not all arms exports to Israel, Novara Media understands. The UK will also reportedly withdraw its objections to the International Criminal Court (ICC) issuing arrest warrants for Israeli leaders including prime […]

Starmer Suspends 7 Left MPs for Voting to Scrap Benefits Cap

24 July 2024 @ 6:30 pm

Keir Starmer’s suspension of 7 MPs for breaking the whip is unprecedented. We speak to Zarah Sultana on how it happened, and what she’ll do next. With Michael Walker and  @NoJusticeMTG .

Palestine Protestors Block Entrance to UK Foreign Office

24 July 2024 @ 12:00 pm

Organised under the banner of @workers4pal, activists have blocked the entrance to the government department.

Keir Starmer Needs Checks and Balances. Britain Has Few

24 July 2024 @ 11:04 am

On Tuesday, Keir Starmer suspended the whip from seven Labour MPs because they voted for an amendment regretting that the Kings’ speech didn’t include a promise to scrap the two-child benefit cap. In itself, this act is extraordinary. I don’t think Tony Blair or Gordon Brown ever suspended the whip because an MP rebelled on […]