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Laptop has a black screen after making changes to the BIOS?

27 July 2024 @ 12:08 am

I have a Samsung NP270E5J, I wanted to make some changes in the BIOS and since then it doesn't start anymore. The LED is on but the screen remains black. What can I do?

Mapping left and right mouse clicks to keyboard button on linux

26 July 2024 @ 11:14 pm

My laptop (linux) is getting a bit worn out and the buttons on my touchpad tend to get stuck, so I'm trying to map the left- and right-click to a keyboard key using xmodmap. As far as I understand the command xmodmap -e "keycode 94 = Pointer_Left Pointer_Right" should make it such that when I press key 94 it left-clicks and when I press Shift+key 94 it right-clicks. (Which is what I want) However when I try it only the left-click (without shift) works and the right-click (with shift) does nothing. I get the exact same result when I do xmodmap -e "keycode 94 = Pointer_Right Pointer_Left" i.e. without shift results in left-click and with shift does nothing. When I substitute Pointer_Left and Pointer_Right for other keysyms (such as a and b) it works fine. Am I doing something wrong? Also what's the keysym for middle-click?

How to count word frequency with grep (or anything else) with an ignore list of words?

26 July 2024 @ 10:27 pm

Count frequency of the word person in a file and ignore or do not count if the word is: personal personnels personally hypersonic The desired result in sample.txt file is 12 times we have the word `person in 11 Lines. A file is called sample.txt with 16 Lines below: Line 01 count number of times person is in file sample.txt Line 02 Ignore person when it is inside a word like personal, examples, do not count Lines 12 + Line 03 but count person examples, Line 01 to Line 11 Line 04 count_ Person or person Line 05 count_ person, Line 06 count_ PERSON; Line 07 count_ persons Line 08 count_ person’s Line 09 count_ persons; Line 10 count_ Persons; Line 11 count_ “traffic control person” Line 12 Line 13 ignore personal Line 14 ignore personnels Line 15 ignore personally Line 16 ignore hypersonic Command 1: Not a desired result.

BIOS Doesn't Allow Boot Priority Change for Ubuntu Hard Drive

26 July 2024 @ 10:26 pm

Need to FIX HDD BOOT problem. I have a hard drive with Ubuntu installed on it. My main computer runs Windows, but when I need Ubuntu, I boot from the hard drive by setting the boot option priority to HDD in the BIOS settings. Currently, I don't have access to my main computer, but I have a laptop on which I'm trying to do the same. However, in the BIOS of the laptop, there is no available option to change the boot priority besides the standard Windows boot. I am certain that the hard drive is functioning correctly, and the BIOS also recognizes this hard drive as it shows up in the mass storage devices section. Why is there no option to set the boot priority for this hard drive? How can I fix this? Attached is a screenshot of the BIOS settings. bios sees hdd advance settings

Win7 legacy software MSR migration to GPT [closed]

26 July 2024 @ 10:09 pm

Ryzen 7 on asus roc strix 550-F with 2 x 4gb SSD gpt 7400mb m2 drives boots Win10. Legacy system no post. All software on MSR 2gb hdd. How do I migrate without reinstalling 20 year collection of software including Adobe Master Collection 5.5 for which Adobe refuses licensing migration. Bios locks when I try to plug in MSR drive. Thanks

Secure Boot is toggled off, even though an UEFI install was used and secure boot is enabled in BIOS

26 July 2024 @ 10:06 pm

I was wondering why my secure boot in Windows is still disabled, even though my NVMe main disk was installed with UEFI? I need secure boot to launch Valorant's anticheat software. With WhyNotWin11: enter image description here Secure boot is disabled, and this can be seen in msinfo32: enter image description here Secure boot - off. However, in BIOS, the CSM is turned off, and secure boot is set to UEFI. enter image description here

My PC has 3 glaring issues that make gaming borderline infuriating

26 July 2024 @ 8:55 pm

The PC is a Dell Optiplex 3070 SFF with PowerColor Radeon RX 550 Graphics Card. I have only had the pc for ~5 months. When starting up my PC for the first time after a few hours of not using it, my frames when playing video games drop dramatically. My makeshift solution to this problem is unplugging the power to my PC after turning it on and plugging it back in. This fixes the issue but is annoying to do every day. My PC has just decided that every and all internet USBs I plug into it will lag randomly. My ping will randomly spike to upwards of 4000ms and disconnect/lag me while using my computer. My internet itself is not the issue because every other device in the house does not have this problem. Probably the most annoying issue, while using my PC it will randomly freeze for 3 seconds, unfreeze for a moment, then repeat this until it decides it had enough (5-15 seconds). After this issue, if I am in a discord call it will make it

Notepad++ : modify document on Save

26 July 2024 @ 8:47 pm

How would I do this? Whenever I save a file, I would like Notepad++ to: Find a line in my header near the top of the file that looks like "DateTime: ${stuff}$" and insert the current date/time (short format aka CTRL-SHIFT-F4) between the DOLLARSIGNS. Find a line near the top that looks like "Change: ${number}$" and increment the integer value between the DOLLARSIGNS. THEN save the file. The net result is that every time I use the "Save File" keystroke/action, the file has the current date/time, and the "Change" number gets bumped. Before saving the file: /* Author: [email protected]$ DateTime: $$ File: $C:\Users\usr\source\sql\Role_Assignment_Details.sql$ Change: $1$ */ After saving the file: /* Author: [email protected]$ DateTime: $2:42 PM 7/26/2024$ File: $C:\Users\usr\source\sq

Locking down my parent's Windows 11 computer to keep it clean and fresh and fast

26 July 2024 @ 8:33 pm

My mom uses a PC every day but isn't tech savvy. 80% of what she does is use Chrome. But she also uses Office (e.g. Word) and Firefox. My dad and I want to lock Windows 11 down so that she: Is not an admin (obviously, we've never let her have an admin user account). Can't change any other settings (I'm not sure what non-admins can change, but she'd find a way). Is unable to save files anywhere other than a USB drive. We don't want her saving files to random places like the desktop, Documents folder, root C: drive, etc. We want to be guaranteed that anything she'd ever care about would always be all in just one place (with subfolders if she wants). I've recently heard of Deep Freeze, but it doesn't sound exactly like what I'm looking for. Windows 11's built-in

Can you resign a Key Exchange Keyk, or do you have to download an unsigned one and sign it?

26 July 2024 @ 7:57 pm

Say a system has the manufacturer's Platform Key pre-enrolled, along with the manufacturer's Key Exchange Key. I think the Key Exchange Key had to have been signed by the Platform Key. As far as I can tell, there is no way for me to get an unsigned copy of the manufacturer's Key Exchange Key. Is it possible to resign the manufacturer's existing Key Exchange Key with a new Platform Key, or am I stuck with a system locked by the manufacturer?