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Random snippets of all sorts of code, mixed with a selection of help and advice.

Conformance to generic constraint seems impossible with subclass

27 July 2024 @ 9:20 am

I've cut my code down to the following simplest version to show the problem. I'm not sure why Swift is complaining. Why does DatabaseGateway need to conform to protocol Something ??? struct Database {} open class DatabaseGateway { let database: Database public init() { database = Database() } } struct FilterParameter<T> {} protocol Something { associatedtype T: RawRepresentable where T.RawValue == String var filterParameter: FilterParameter<T> { get } } enum VoteTable {} extension VoteTable { enum Field: String { case value = "value" } } final class User: DatabaseGateway, Something { let filterParameter = FilterParameter<VoteTable.Field>() } final class Poll: DatabaseGateway, Something { let filterParameter = FilterParameter<VoteTable.Field>() } struct VoteRecordFilter { let parameters: [Parameter] init(paramet

Could not resolve org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.9.24. React Native Async Storage

27 July 2024 @ 9:18 am

Error when building release or debug FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':@react-native-async-storage'. > Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':@react-native-async-storage:classpath'. > Could not resolve org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.9.24. Required by: project :@react-native-async-storage > Cannot choose between the following variants of org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.9.24: - gradle70JavadocElements - gradle70RuntimeElements - gradle70SourcesElements - gradle71JavadocElements - gradle71RuntimeElements - gradle71SourcesElements - gradle74JavadocElements - gradle74RuntimeElements I tried updating the version async storage, but didn´t work

Advice tools to generate digital signature and esignature

27 July 2024 @ 9:16 am

I need to implement a system in Spring Boot and logical document to manage document which provide the feature to add either digital signature or Esignature to word document/PDF file while it is being uploaded on the system. I have seen there are many tools that I can use to integrate as REST API to generate either e-signature or digital signature as follows: Docusign - Robust , widely used and expensive compared to PandaDoc and DocuSeal.It supports both e-signature and digital signature Docuseal - Robust support e-signature but it does not look like it support digital signature. PandaDoc - Robust and ideal for businesses needing comprehensive document management but support only e-signature not digital signature. Based on the above it looks like only docuSign support both digital signature and esignature. I am new to the above tools and I might have missed something important or any other tool. Any advice on which one is ea

trpc giving error when trying to test with postman

27 July 2024 @ 9:16 am

Im using nextjs app router, trpc, prisma, zod Trying to test my trpc endpoint http://localhost:3000/api/trpc/user.login using Body- AW-JSON { "username": "admin", "password": "CodingDojo2022!" } but im getting this error POST /api/trpc/user.login 400 in 15ms ❌ tRPC failed on user.login: [ { "code": "invalid_type", "expected": "object", "received": "undefined", "path": [], "message": "Required" } ] { "error": { "json": { "message": "[\n {\n \"code\": \"invalid_type\",\n \"expected\": \"object\",\n \"received\": \"undefined\",\n \"path\": [],\n \"message\": \"Required\"\n }\n]"

Applying default layout to Nuxt.js error page while preserving route transitions

27 July 2024 @ 9:14 am

I have set up a default layout that includes a header and footer. This layout works fine for all of my pages since they are inside the pages directory and because I have a <NuxtPage/> wrapped in <NuxtLayout/> in app.vue. However, I've encountered an issue with the error page. It is located outside the pages directory and as a result, the default layout will never be applied. I've considered adding a <NuxtLayout/> component in error.vue, but this approach causes conflicts with the <NuxtLayout/> in app.vue - it re-renders it and breaks the transition. I have both pageTransition and layoutTransition set up in nuxt.config.ts. How can I make sure that the default layout is applied to the error page while maintaining a transition?

How to mock indexed display in Figma

27 July 2024 @ 9:11 am

I am new to the Figma app and need the hints how to approach the design in the best way. I would like to create the iPhone app mockup, styling it to look like 'indexed display'. Should I divided the frame for little squares and try to create the fonts based on it or there is easier way to do this ? enter image description here

CSS to "scale" Image to Fit Browser Window height and width

27 July 2024 @ 9:10 am

I am generating a static site where the images and set within a responsive "picture frame" so the Mat is the same size on each side, regardless of the image's aspect ratio. This is working well; however... I want to ensure that the whole "picture frame" is visible in the browser window. Currently, the frame is sized to the width, meaning tall images scroll off the bottom. Can someone look at my code and suggest how I dynamically resize the "picture frame" so it is 100% visible in the browser window ? There is a JSFiddle here - link <div class="frame" style="padding-bottom: 115.09%"> <div class="mat" style="top: 2.1721%; bottom: 2.1721%; left: 2.50%; right: 2.50%;"> <div class="art" style="top: 11.354%; bottom: 11.354%; left: 13.158%; right: 13.158%;">

Selenium python program started crashing with WinError 193

27 July 2024 @ 9:09 am

I am running code with pytest and initializing a set of frontend tests with selenium. With no changes in code my selenium chrome tests started crashing with this error, firefox tests pass with no issue. Looks like something not related directly with code but rather my system? Below I'm pasting full log of the error I am receiving. I would appreciate all the help I can get. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ERROR at setup of TestLoginPage.test_positive_login[chrome] ___________________________________________________________________________________________ request = <SubRequest 'driver' for <Function test_positive_login[chrome]>> @pytest.fixture(params=["chrome", "firefox"]) def driver(request): chrome_options = ChromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument("--headless=new") firefox_options = FirefoxOptions() firefox_options.add_a

Tenancy for Laravel repeating db search query for domain multiple times

27 July 2024 @ 8:56 am

I have a Laravel v10.x multitenancy application, I'm using stancl/tenancy: ^3.8 with multiple database and InitializeTenancyByDomain and PreventAccessFromCentralDomainsmiddlewares. In partical terms it's working fine, but when analyzing the db queries being done in more detail, controller construct method: \DB::listen(function($query) { \Log::info( $query->sql, $query->bindings, $query->time ); }); I'm seeing in my logs a lots of (30+ times, for some routes): select * from `domains` where `domains`.`tenant_id` = ? and `domains`.`tenant_id` is not null limit 1 When In fact I'm calling this route/controller only twice, one non ajax, and other ajax. I can see this in the browser network tab. So this query being done only twice is the expected. My assumption at first was that the tenant() helper isn't cached in

consistency by isolation levels, while SELECT SUM(*) million records, UPDATE some records

27 July 2024 @ 8:49 am

I was testing READ UNCOMITTED and READ COMITTED. For this, using 2.5 million row records, I tried the followings. First, at Session A: BEGIN; SELECT SUM(salary) FROM salaries; then immediately (before finishing the SUM), at Session B: BEGIN; UPDATE salaries SET salary = 10000 WHERE emp_no = 250000; COMMIT; then the result is: READ UNCOMMITTED at Session A gives the result as if it is after UPDATE. (understandable) READ COMMITTED at Session A gives the result as if it is before UPDATE. (confusing for me) I'm confused about the result of READ COMMITTED. When Session A is scanning the records, I think the UPDATE from Session B is already commited. In other words, the difference between READ UNCOMMITTED and READ COMMITTED should be if

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Access to the world’s facts and data and calculates answers across a range of topics, including science, nutrition, history, geography, engineering, mathematics, linguistics, sports, finance, music…

From Learning to Leading: A Chemist’s Guide to Wolfram Technologies

16 July 2024 @ 5:31 pm

From preparing food to nourish our bodies to finding cures for terminal illnesses, chemistry is a foundational part of our world. As a computational chemist, you may have a lot to learn to master this subject, but fueled by Wolfram’s collection of educational resources, elaborate simulation functions and research projects, you’ll be ready to tackle […]

Prepare to Be a Professional: A Wolfram Guide for Postgraduates and More

5 June 2024 @ 3:04 pm

It’s a beautiful spring day. Your robe and cap are a little itchy, but you don’t mind. You know your family will be taking an excessive amount of pictures, but that’s OK. You are graduating! Years of dedication and hard work have paid off and you’re about to walk across the stage with your diploma and start summer vacation! Wait—summer vacation? Do you even have a summer vacation now? What’s next? Should you look for a job or should you focus on bolstering your resume first? So many questions….

Unlock Innovative Problem-Solving Skills with Creative Computation

15 May 2024 @ 3:07 pm

As computers continue to perform an increasing number of tasks for us, it’s never been more important to learn how to use computers in creative ways. Creative computing, an interdisciplinary subject combining coding with artistic expression, allows us to blend technology with human experiences. Learning to create in this way can help you unlock your […]

Marking a Milestone: Four Years of Daily Study Groups

8 May 2024 @ 8:49 pm

Four years ago, as the COVID pandemic wreaked havoc to class and event schedules, instructors and organizations were scrambling to create meaningful learning opportunities for students. In April 2020, Stephen Wolfram challenged the Wolfram U team to establish a unique online program for building computational skills with Daily Study Groups. The program was enthusiastically received […]

From Data to Discovery: Studying Computational Biology with Wolfram

29 April 2024 @ 2:03 pm

As computational science progresses, we are seeing leaps and bounds in what can be realized for helping the world. The technological advancements in biology have paved the way to better study medicine and the patterns of the environment in order to help the sick and optimize resources. Whether you’re classifying an animal for the first […]

Navigating Quantum Computing: Accelerating Next-Generation Innovation

12 April 2024 @ 3:23 pm

It’s no secret: quantum computing has been poised to be “the next big thing” for years. But recent developments in the quantum ecosystem, including major investments by companies such as IBM, Google, Microsoft and others, are the best indicators that now is the time to begin preparing for potentially viable quantum applications—and to identify where […]

Food and Sun: Wolfram Language Recipe Graphs for the Solar Eclipse

2 April 2024 @ 9:15 pm

At Wolfram Research, we are excited for the April 8 total solar eclipse and plan to observe this extraordinary event in several ways. Read about the science and math of this rare phenomenon in Stephen Wolfram’s new book, Predicting the Eclipse: A Multimillennium Tale of Computation, and then find eclipse specifics for your location with […]

Computational Astronomy: Exploring the Cosmos with Wolfram

25 March 2024 @ 2:11 pm

This year’s Global Astronomy Month is off to an exciting start for North America in anticipation of the total solar eclipse on April 8. In light of this momentous event, the following is a list of resources that bring Wolfram Language and astronomy together—including expert video guides, projects and books—for computational astronomers at every level. […]

Enhance Wind Turbine Design with the New Wolfram System Modeler Rotating Machinery Library

11 March 2024 @ 5:49 pm

Explore the contents of this article with a free Wolfram System Modeler trial. A wind turbine gearbox, susceptible to erratic wind loads, frequently fails well before its intended lifespan. Such failures, occurring globally, not only cause significant downtime but also lead to substantial economic losses. Can simulations help avoid this? The first animation delves into […]

Itchy Boots

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Motorcycle adventures from a single perspective.

Red Letter Media

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Movie reviews from VCR repair men.
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Motorcycle vblog and chat with challenges.
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WHF Entertainment

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A look into the crazy world with Whats her face.


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One man’s look at clown world (tiktok/narcissistic culture).

This Is Why I Stay Home 7

24 July 2024 @ 6:00 pm

Why Is She Like This!? 4

12 July 2024 @ 2:42 pm

Narcissists and #SOCIALMEDIA 19

21 June 2024 @ 2:02 pm

This Is Why I Stay Home 6

14 June 2024 @ 2:27 pm

This Is Why I Stay Home 5

6 June 2024 @ 2:02 pm

TikTok and #IDIOCRACY 14

23 May 2024 @ 4:58 pm

Wackjobs and #PROTESTS 3

15 May 2024 @ 7:05 pm

Tourists and #IDIOCRACY 4

24 April 2024 @ 3:08 pm

This Is Why I Stay Home 4

18 April 2024 @ 4:03 pm

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Kubuntu is a free, complete, and open-source alternative to Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X which contains everything you need to work, play, or share.

Introducing the Enhanced KubuQA: Revolutionising ISO Testing Across Ubuntu Flavors

12 May 2024 @ 9:28 pm

The Kubuntu Team are thrilled to announce significant updates to KubuQA, our streamlined ISO testing tool that has now expanded its capabilities beyond Kubuntu to support Ubuntu and all its other flavors. With these enhancements, KubuQA becomes a versatile resource that ensures a smoother, more intuitive testing process for upcoming...

Kubuntu 24.04 LTS Noble Numbat Released

25 April 2024 @ 4:16 pm

The Kubuntu Team is happy to announce that Kubuntu 24.04 has been released, featuring the ‘beautiful’ KDE Plasma 5.27 simple by default, powerful when needed. Codenamed “Noble Numbat”, Kubuntu 24.04 continues our tradition of giving you Friendly Computing by integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality,...

Kubuntu 24.04 Beta Released

12 April 2024 @ 6:33 pm

Join the Excitement: Test Kubuntu 24.04 Beta and Experience Innovation with KubuQA! We’re thrilled to announce the availability of the Kubuntu 24.04 Beta! This release is packed with new features and enhancements, and we’re inviting you, our valued community, to join us in fine-tuning this exciting new version. Whether you’re...

Celebrating Creativity: Announcing the Winners of the Kubuntu Contests!

9 April 2024 @ 8:38 pm

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the Kubuntu Brand Graphic Design contest and the Wallpaper Contest! These competitions brought out the best in creativity, innovation, and passion from the Kubuntu community, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the results. Kubuntu Brand Graphic Design Contest Winners The Kubuntu...

Kubuntu Brand Graphic Design Contest Deadline Extended!

3 April 2024 @ 5:28 am

We’re thrilled to announce that due to the incredible engagement and enthusiasm from our community, the Kubuntu Council has decided to extend the submission deadline for the Kubuntu Brand Graphic Design Contest! Originally set to close at 23:59 on March 31, 2024, we’re giving you more time to unleash your...

Kubuntu Wallpaper 24.04 – Call for Submissions

22 March 2024 @ 8:19 am

We are excited to announce a call for submissions for the official desktop wallpaper of Kubuntu 24.04! This is a fantastic opportunity for artists, designers, and Kubuntu enthusiasts to showcase their talent and contribute to the visual identity of the upcoming Kubuntu release. What We’re Looking For We are in...

Kubuntu Community Update – March 2024

8 March 2024 @ 4:53 pm

Greetings, Kubuntu enthusiasts! It’s time for our regular community update, and we’ve got plenty of exciting developments to share from the past month. Our team has been hard at work, balancing the demands of personal commitments with the passion we all share for Kubuntu. Here’s what we’ve been up to:...

Kubuntu Graphic Design Contest

20 February 2024 @ 9:21 pm

Announcing the Kubuntu Graphic Design Contest: Shape the Future of Kubuntu We’re thrilled to unveil an extraordinary opportunity for creatives and enthusiasts within and beyond the Kubuntu community The Kubuntu Graphic Design Contest. This competition invites talented designers to play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of the...

Kubuntu Council Meeting – 30th January 2024

4 February 2024 @ 1:28 am

Greetings, Kubuntu Community! Today marked an important Kubuntu Council meeting, where we witnessed significant progress and collaboration among our esteemed council members – Darin Miller, Rik Mills, Valorie Zimmerman, Aaron Honeycutt, Jonathan Riddell (Kubuntu Treasurer), and Simon Quigley(Lubuntu). In this blog post, we’re excited to share the highlights and outcomes...

Plasma 5.27 LTS for Jammy 22.04 LTS available via PPA

18 October 2023 @ 3:28 pm

We have had many requests to make Plasma 5.27 available in our backports PPA for Jammy Jellyfish 22.04. However, for technical reasons this would have broken upgrades to Kinetic 22.10 while that upgrade path existed. Now that Kinetic is end of life, it is possible to allow opt in backports...

Ultra Harmonics

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Cool vibes and ultra Harmonics, instrumental in it’s finest.
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The Late Brake Show

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Car caves, reviews and insights via Jonny Smith (that bloke from Fifth Gear).