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Meta Llama 3.1 405B now generally available in Amazon Bedrock

26 July 2024 @ 6:10 pm

The most advanced Meta Llama models to date, Llama 3.1, are available in Amazon Bedrock. Starting today, the Llama 3.1 405B model is now generally available in Amazon Bedrock. Amazon Bedrock offers a turnkey way to build generative AI applications with Llama. Llama 3.1 models are a collection of 8B, 70B, and 405B parameter size models offering new capabilities for your generative AI applications. All Llama 3.1 models demonstrate significant improvements over previous versions. The models support a 128K context length and exhibit improved reasoning for multilingual dialogue use cases in eight languages. The models access more information from lengthy text to make more informed decisions and leverage richer contextual data to generate more subtle and refined responses. According to Meta, Llama 3.1 405B is one of the best and largest publicly available foundation models and is well suited for synthetic data generati

AWS launches a self-guided journey for AWS Partners enrolled on the Services Path

26 July 2024 @ 5:00 pm

AWS is launching a self-guided experience to help AWS Partners on the Services Path reach the Advanced tier. This experience includes personalized Tasks in Partner Central that offer tips and resources for both new and existing partners to advance in their AWS journey, unlocking access to programs like Specialization and enhancing their discoverability for AWS customers and AWS sales teams. In addition, AWS Partners who provide managed services will receive personalized tasks including the new AWS MSP Practice Building Guide. This experience empowers partners to progress through tiers and access benefits independently. Tasks will now be labeled with their associated solution name for easy identification. We've enhanced the completion experience to allow partners to resolve Tasks quickly, and added new ones for improved program enablement and enrollment. Additionally, we’ve simplified the journey for Services partners by removing the Customer Satisfaction survey a

AWS IAM Identity Center is now available in the Canada West (Calgary) AWS Region

25 July 2024 @ 9:50 pm

You can now deploy AWS IAM Identity Center in the Canada West (Calgary) AWS Region. With the addition of this AWS Region, IAM Identity Center is now available in 33 AWS Regions globally. IAM Identity Center is the recommended service for managing workforce access to AWS applications and multiple AWS accounts. Use IAM Identity Center with your existing identity source or create a new directory, and manage workforce access to part or all of your AWS environment. With IAM Identity Center, you can manage and audit user access more easily and consistently, your workforce has single sign-on access and unified experience across AWS services, and your data owners can authorize and log data access by user. IAM Identity Center is available to you at no additional cost.

Amazon SageMaker launches faster auto-scaling for Generative AI models

25 July 2024 @ 9:30 pm

We are excited to announce a new capability in Amazon SageMaker Inference that helps customers reduce the time it takes for their Generative AI models to scale automatically. They can now use sub-minute metrics and significantly reduce overall scaling latency for AI models. Using this enhancement customers can improve the responsiveness of their Generative AI applications as demand fluctuates. With this capability customers get two new high resolution CloudWatch metrics - ConcurrentRequestsPerModel and ConcurrentRequestsPerModelCopy - that enable faster autoscaling. These metrics are emitted at a 10 second interval and provide a more accurate representation of the load on the endpoint by tracking the actual concurrency or number of in-flight inference requests being processed by the model. Customers can create auto-scaling policies using these high-resolution metrics to scale their models deployed on SageMaker endpoints. Amazon SageMaker will start adding new instances or m

Amazon GameLift now supports AWS Nigeria Local Zone

25 July 2024 @ 9:00 pm

Today, we are excited to announce the general availability (GA) of an update to Amazon GameLift that expands support to the AWS Nigeria region Local Zone, which increases coverage for game developers, while providing seamless, low-latency gameplay experiences for players. With this update, game developers can tap into the Nigeria Local Zone to reach players across the continent of Africa. AWS Local Zones are a type of infrastructure deployment that extends AWS Regions to place compute, storage, database, and other AWS services at the edge of the cloud near large population, industry, and information technology (IT) centers—enabling developers to deploy games that require single-digit millisecond latency closer to end users or on-premises data centers. With the latest update developers can now: Deploy your game to a Nigeria Local Zone Fleet location.

AWS HealthImaging announces enhanced copy and update capabilities

25 July 2024 @ 8:30 pm

AWS HealthImaging adds new copy and update capabilities, making it easier than ever to manage your medical imaging data. With this launch, you can more efficiently organize, combine, and update your medical imaging data to support common clinical and research workflows. This launch offers enhanced capabilities for modifying DICOM data, and simplifies resolving metadata inconsistencies. You can now copy one or more DICOM instances, making it easier organize your instances by imaging Study and Series. It is now easier to update metadata, including Study, Series, and SOP Instance UIDs, so you can keep data current as new patient information becomes available. This launch also gives you the ability to modify private DICOM metadata elements. Lastly, you can now revert metadata to a prior version with a single action. Together, these enhancements simplify workflows for improving the quality and consistency of your medical imaging data, throughout it’s lifecycle. AWS He

AWS Step Functions now supports Customer Managed Keys

25 July 2024 @ 8:00 pm

AWS Step Functions now supports the use of Customer Managed Keys with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) to encrypt Step Functions State Machine and Activity resources. This new capability enables you to encrypt your workflow definitions and execution data using your own encryption keys. AWS Step Functions is a visual workflow service capable of orchestrating over 12,000+ API actions from over 220 AWS services to build distributed applications and data processing workloads. With support for Customer Managed Keys, you have more fine-grained security control over your workflow data, making it easier to meet your organization's regulatory and compliance requirements. You can also audit and track usage of your encryption keys with AWS CloudTrail. To learn more about using Custom

Amazon ECR repository creation templates are now generally available

25 July 2024 @ 8:00 pm

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is announcing the general availability of repository creation templates, which allow customers to specify initial configuration for repositories that are automatically created by ECR via pull through cache and replication. ECR customers can specify configuration for these repositories, including encryption settings, lifecycle policies, and repository permissions. This enables customers to define custom configurations and assign them as defaults for various use cases within their registries. Repository creation templates can specify configuration for all repository settings including resource-based access policies, tag immutability, encryption, and lifecycle policies. Each template contains a customer specified prefix which is u

CloudWatch RUM PutRumEvents API now supports data event logging in AWS CloudTrail

25 July 2024 @ 7:45 pm

CloudWatch RUM, which helps you perform real user monitoring by collecting client-side data of application performance and user interactions in real time, now supports AWS CloudTrail data event logging for PutRumEvents API, enabling enhanced data visibility for governance, compliance, and operational auditing. Each data item collected using RUM web client or “app monitor“ is considered a RUM event and is sent to CloudWatch RUM using the PutRumEvents API. Now, CloudTrail logs would provide a comprehensive audit trail of PutRumEvents API calls, helping troubleshoot issues by providing insights into request parameters, source IP addresses, and timestamps. These logs can be used to gain visibility into your request activity, and archive it in a secure, highly available, and durable S3 data store. Using this you can identify throttling exceptions when API calls exceed the limit on account or when permission to send data is denied to the RUM app monitor on failing authenticat

AWS Clean Rooms launches new capabilities for entity resolution, ML modeling, privacy, and analysis controls

25 July 2024 @ 7:00 pm

Today, AWS Clean Rooms announces four new enhancements: the general availability of AWS Entity Resolution on Clean Rooms, additional privacy controls for data analyses, a feature to configure which collaborators receive analyses results, and the ability to generate seed data for lookalike modeling using SQL. These capabilities help you improve data matching, and give you increased control and flexibility for data collaborations. AWS Entity Resolution is now natively integrated within AWS Clean Rooms to help you and your partners more easily prepare and match related customer records. Using rule-based or data service provider-based matching can help you improve data matching for enhanced advertising campaign planning, targeting, and measurement. For example, an advertiser can match records with a media publisher using rule-based matching,

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Design and Methods for Assessing the Effect of Adherence to Clinical Practice Guidelines on Different Outcomes: A Scoping Review

27 July 2024 @ 9:01 am

Recent years have seen a surge of interest in the use of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for treating chronic diseases. CPGs are defined as statements that include recommendations informed by evidence and aimed at optimizing patient care....This item belongs to: data/osf-registration-providers-osf-v1.This item has files of the following types: Metadata

Marvel Rivals Closed Beta

27 July 2024 @ 9:00 am

Grubb, Mike, and Shawn hop into the first Marvel Rivals closed beta!.This item belongs to: movies/giant-bomb-archive.This item has files of the following types: Metadata

Archive Team Telegram: 20240727085618_359277d4

27 July 2024 @ 8:59 am

No description available.This item belongs to: web/archiveteam_inbox.This item has files of the following types: JSON GZ, Metadata, TAR

KRB News Hamilton High school

27 July 2024 @ 8:59 am

KRB Channel 7 News from Hamilton High School with Peggy Smith, Gurdy Williams, and Baili Thomas.This item belongs to: movies/mcatcollection.This item has files of the following types: Metadata


27 July 2024 @ 8:59 am

No description available.This item belongs to: web/save-page-now.This item has files of the following types: Metadata

Archive Team URLs: 20240727085654_bc914129

27 July 2024 @ 8:59 am

No description available.This item belongs to: web/archiveteam_inbox.This item has files of the following types: JSON GZ, Metadata

Board of Selectmen 07/23/2024

27 July 2024 @ 8:59 am

Board of Selectment 07/23/2024 The Raynham Channel Copyright 2024.This item belongs to: movies/raynhamchannel.This item has files of the following types: Metadata

Archive Team YouTube: 20240727085705_7ca22219

27 July 2024 @ 8:59 am

No description available.This item belongs to: web/archiveteam_inbox.This item has files of the following types: Metadata, TAR


27 July 2024 @ 8:59 am

Главная информационная программа страны. В прямом эфире ведущие знакомят зрителей с основными политическими, социальными, культурными и спортивными новостями днÑ....This item belongs to: movies/TV-RUSSIA1.This item has files of the following types: Metadata


27 July 2024 @ 8:58 am

No description available.This item belongs to: web/save-page-now.This item has files of the following types: Metadata, Web ARChive GZ

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