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CSS gradient tool.


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The latest trends in web development.

CSV and Excel Export for Tech Lookups

20 August 2022 @ 10:30 pm

You can now get Excel/Google Sheet and CSV exports from BuiltWith Technology Profiles. Here’s a sample export from the system – To access these profiles use the Domain API – https://api.builtwith.com/domain-api or click on the XLSX/CSV options in the sidebar when viewing profiles i.e. – https://builtwith.com/builtwith.com

Country Specific Trends

20 July 2022 @ 8:27 pm

You can now see country specific trends for technologies at a glance by clicking the yellow button link on the homepage of https://trends.builtwith.com – it should be default geolocate to your home country. These new pages let you quickly see what the top technologies across different technology categories are near you. This is quite useful […]

Many Many Many Sub-Domains

20 June 2022 @ 10:37 pm

Sometimes we come across sites that have lots of subdomains. Some of them are really weird but others are legitimate, i.e. they are banks like HSBC or Internet technology companies like Hubspot or colleges like Lamar University. We though it might be useful to have these are a filter and report in BuiltWith – You […]

BuiltWith for Zendesk

19 May 2022 @ 3:06 am

If you use Zendesk for your support and sales tickets then the BuiltWith Zendesk App is a must have. It basically highlights the technology spend and premium technologies that the customer of the ticket you are looking at has. It also costs nothing – you’re welcome. Install it via – https://www.zendesk.com/au/marketplace/apps/support/803760/builtwith/

BuiltWith Top 1m

20 April 2022 @ 10:06 pm

TL;DR – Follow this link to the ZIP – https://builtwith.com/top-1m When we got started with BuiltWith in 2007 we relied heavily on the Quantcast Top 1m file that Quantcast used to provide in those days. Alexa also provided a Top 1m file but it contained URLs like YouTube channels so we always preferred the Quantcast […]

Technology Joins

21 March 2022 @ 9:25 pm

We’ve just added easier links to popular technology joins. This is basically a feature you can create using the Pro tool. For example you can create a list of sites using Shopify that are also using HubSpot. We are highlighting the most popular joins and the ones we think are going to be the most […]

Lists by Financial, Group and Region

14 February 2022 @ 12:32 am

Sales people at larger companies are sometimes defined ‘regions’ to work in. For example, just focus on businesses in APAC or EMEA or America. So we’ve created new report groupings for these regions. There’s a lot of variations to choose from and they are all accessible on the sidebar of technology reports – This saves […]

BuiltWith Pipedrive Integration

22 January 2022 @ 10:04 pm

Install the BuiltWith Pipedrive integration into Pipedrive and get technology details for your deals, organizations and contacts. It’s a free extension and can be installed at https://www.pipedrive.com/en/marketplace/app/built-with/bba0d287c95ca5bb

2021 Wrapped

10 December 2021 @ 11:08 pm

We made it! Enjoy the wrap video or images –

Are we Net Zero yet?

21 November 2021 @ 11:22 pm

No for the time being is the answer but really close. That should have changed by 2025 (just 3 and a bit years from now). How do you quantify if your business is net zero emissions? There is a standard for quantifying it, ISO 14064-1:2018 – but it’s 158 Swiss Francs just to read it […]


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Clean up dirty code (HTML, JS, CSS) online


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Common Server issues – FAQs and answers from those in the know

Getting nginx to pass all routes to Angular index.html

30 April 2024 @ 12:13 am

I have an Angular app hosted on nginx that talks to a back-end API. The back-end is working, the app is working when I go to my-site.com/ but if I go to my-site.com/custom/path/123 it doesn't get routed to index.html, which is the Angular page. Instead I just get an nginx 404 page. All I really want is any incoming route (except for the /api and /assets paths) to be passed through to that index. In my configuration I have this: server { root /var/www/my-site.com/site-root; server-name my-site.com; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ index.html; # I also tried: # try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ index.html; } location /assets { try_files $uri =404; } location ~ ^/api/(.*)$ { proxy_pass$1; # a bunch of working api reverse proxy that doesn't seem to be } } The try_files approach is the patte

Can't get SCOM rule to run locally on target

29 April 2024 @ 11:49 pm

I'm using SCOM 2019 and are trying to author a new rule that is a Probe Based Script (Performance) with a vbscript that returns a property bag. The rule is assigned to objects that have the SCOM agent running and I've tested the script locally on the targets. My challenge is that I can't get the rule to run locally on the targets, the evidence of this is that the script logs to the event log of the SCOM management server. Additionally, when I edit the management pack xml and set the rule with Remotable="false", I then get the following event log on the SCOM management server: Rule/Monitor "{ruleid}" running for remote instance "{instance}" with id:"{id}" will be disabled as it is not remotable. Management group "{mg}". Am I missing something here to have the rule run locally on the target?

can't handle traps with snmptrap

29 April 2024 @ 9:01 pm

I'm trying to execute a script when trap arrives but I can't see script executes. My snmptrapd.conf # # EXAMPLE-trap.conf: # An example configuration file for configuring the Net-SNMP snmptrapd agent. # ############################################################################### # # This file is intended to only be an example. # When the snmptrapd agent starts up, this is where it will look for it. # # All lines beginning with a '#' are comments and are intended for you # to read. All other lines are configuration commands for the agent. # # PLEASE: read the snmptrapd.conf(5) manual page as well! # #authCommunity log,execute,net private  #authCommunity log,execute,net public # ## send mail when get any events #traphandle default /usr/bin/traptoemail -s smtp.example.org [email protected] # ## send mail when get linkDown #traphandle . /usr/bin/traptoemail -s smtp.example.org [email protected] authcommunity log,execute,net public trap

How to restore a Windows Server from fresh installation?

29 April 2024 @ 7:57 pm

I had this Windows Server on a physical server that was backed up to an external hard drive with a full backup done with the Windows Server Backup tool. I have tested that this backup works by restoring the system state, files that were deleted, and the entire server itself from a system image using WinRE. I am now trying to perform a system image restore using WinRE, in the same manner I did in my initial test. The difference this time is that I am now trying to do this restore starting from a fresh install of Windows Server 2022. However, my problem this time is that when going through the WinRE system image restore, I am unable to choose an additional restore option. The prompt I am given is to create a system repair disc, as it wants me to boot from a windows installation disc/system repair disc. I do have a bootable usb drive with windows server 2022 plugged into the server, yet it still doesn’t see it. When I try to create the disc from here, it say it could not be cr

Restrict User in an AD group from logging on to computers but allow them to use their windows credentials to log on to a webapp

29 April 2024 @ 7:20 pm

I've set up a third-party web application on our IIS server, utilizing Windows authentication. To manage access, I created an AD group for external contractors and included them. These contractors should only log in to the web app, without access to network computers. To enforce this, I configured "logon workstations" for one user in AD, specifying the web server's name. While this successfully restricted access to other computers, it unintentionally hindered authentication for the web app.

Apache PHP 8 keeps getting disabled

29 April 2024 @ 6:32 pm

I have an Ubuntu Linux server (20.04) running Apache2 version 2.4.41 $ apachectl -v Server version: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server built: 2024-04-10T17:46:26 with PHP8 enabled in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled: $ ls -l /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php8* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Apr 29 14:17 /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php8.0.conf -> /etc/apache2/mods-available/php8.0.conf lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Apr 29 14:17 /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php8.0.load -> /etc/apache2/mods-available/php8.0.load It was running like this for months, and now somehow PHP keeps getting disabled. I become aware of it when my PHP application suddenly stops working, and when I look in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled I find the two entries for PHP8 are missing. If I reenable it, it will run for a few days, then the same thing happens again. I can't see anything in the logs to indicate that it has been disabled, and I am (I h

Sendmail bounces bounce back

29 April 2024 @ 6:12 pm

I get mail sent to a former user. Their account is gone, so the mail gets bounced, but the bounce itself is bounced back to me. It seems clear enough that this is a spam server, and accepts no mail. What's a good way to detect this and do something more clever, such as blacklist the sender or fail2ban the server?

Javascript embedded in PHP Pages [closed]

29 April 2024 @ 5:43 pm

All I have had good luck getting PHP pages to execute Javascript inside of them to do work on the local drive... making virtually anything that can be done in HTML with Javascript also work with [PHP/HTML Rendered Pages/ And Javascript] but if the script is below the PHP page..... $stewsvariable = 32; UpdateStewsvariable(); function UpdateStewsvariable() { var x = 32; $stewsvariable = x; } '; The script is essentially a child process of the parent. I am wondering if anyone has had luck getting the Child Process to update a Parent Variable in some method? Without calling another page via POST or GET? I have seen some answer of just making the Javascript execute a JQUERY Post via AJAX, but its not communicating back to the parent process. Thoughts? I am generally referring to these types of actions Hades Scripting... where the PHP server is communicating to the Browser via Javascript....but its more like Cloud to Desktop activity.

Upgraded from 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04 - microk8s local DNS resolution stopped working

29 April 2024 @ 5:20 pm

I have a server that started out on Ubuntu 16.04. I'm trying to get it current so I did an upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 (Which was mostly trouble free) I let that run for a day to make sure everything worked as expected and then I upgraded to 20.04.. And that upgrade has not gone so smoothly. I have resolved most of the issues with that upgrade (kernel panics, MySQL 5.7 to mariadb incompatibilities, etc) but the one thing I cannot figure out is why my UFW rules are behaving differently with my kubernetes (microk8s) install. I have a few pods running in microk8s. These pods ran fine under 16.04 and 18.04. But once I upgraded to 20.04 they lost their ability to reach my DNS server (Which is dnsmasq running on the same host) I have microk8s configured to forward to (My hosts main local IP address). Again this worked fine prior to the upgrade to 20.04. I need the pods to be able to access this local DNS server as there are specific services on my network

EFK Data is getting lost on pod restart

29 April 2024 @ 5:20 pm

I am facing the data persistence issue for EFK setup when pod gets restarted. I have setup the master, data and client pod. Please have a look at below configurations. master.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: namespace: infra name: elasticsearch-master labels: app: elasticsearch role: master spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: elasticsearch role: master template: metadata: labels: app: elasticsearch role: master spec: containers: - name: elasticsearch-master image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.17.0 env: - name: CLUSTER_NAME value: elasticsearch - name: NODE_NAME value: elasticsearch-master - name: NODE_LIST value: elasticsearch-master,elasticsearch-data,elasticsearch-client - name: MASTER_NODES value: elasticsearch-master


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The countdown to the death of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (IE6)


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Interface elements for jQuery


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Web Application Monitoring


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Opensource projects version control


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CSS resources and tutorials for web designers and web developers


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News and Discussion for the Web Professional


2 June 2022 @ 8:25 am

We currently are not supporting rss feeds