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Keeping tabs on the UK’s parliaments & assemblies

Scorecards volunteering increases climate skills, knowledge and confidence

24 July 2024 @ 8:05 am

The Council Climate Action Scorecards are compiled by a cohort of volunteers, trained up by Climate Emergency UK. They’re currently recruiting for the next round of marking, so if that sounds like something you’d like to be involved with, check out the details here. The knowledge that volunteers acquire isn’t just applicable to the Scorecards:…

Access to Information community of practice: an in-person gathering

23 July 2024 @ 8:40 am

mySociety is currently helping to support knowledge-sharing between organisations and individuals who run Access to Information projects around the world, in a community of practice. Several such folk were in London for our TICTeC conference last month, providing a perfect opportunity to come together in person and share insights. Matt Stempeck of the Civic Tech…

New in Alaveteli: request categories

22 July 2024 @ 1:43 pm

We've introduced FOI request categories on Alaveteli, to make it easier to curate and navigate topics you're interested in.

New in Alaveteli: explore CSVs in Datasette

16 July 2024 @ 8:11 am

We’ve recently added the ability to explore CSV files via a Datasette instance.

mySociety’s approach to AI

10 July 2024 @ 9:20 am

We’re making our internal AI Framework public as a way of being transparent about the kind of questions we’re asking ourselves about using AI in mySociety's tools and services. 

New in Alaveteli: importing & presenting blog posts

9 July 2024 @ 8:53 am

New functionality on our Alaveteli FOI platform allows you to highlight blog posts and case studies on the homepage.

Updating TheyWorkForYou on election night

6 July 2024 @ 9:14 am

My colleague Alex has already written about looking forward from this election, so here I am going to look back at the technical work that was involved for the election, and in getting all the new MPs into TheyWorkForYou. Boundary changes This election was the first UK Parliament election with boundary changes since 2010. Due…

TheyWorkForYou – now with the new MPs

4 July 2024 @ 9:02 pm

Most seats have now declared a winner (with a few recounts ongoing) and the Labour Party has won a large majority in Parliament. That will mean a change in government and big changes to what happens in Parliament in the next few years.  Understanding your new MP New MPs have been added to TheyWorkForYou –…

Dive back into TICTeC 2024

2 July 2024 @ 12:51 pm

Whether or not you were lucky enough to attend TICTeC in person earlier this month, you can now experience it all over again. Where there are videos and slides for a session, you can access them via the Schedule page. Just click on ‘see session detail’ to see which resources there are. Or discover all the videos via the…

Warm welcomes and fond farewells

28 June 2024 @ 10:34 am

We’re hugely excited to be warmly welcoming an incredible set of new trustees onto the mySociety Board. We’re delighted to have six new board members round our table: Alastair Tibbitt is a journalist and digital audience specialist with decades of experience in digital media and developing new models for public interest news. He currently works…